The acronym APPA stands for the Association Professionnelle du Personnel Administratif (CSN). We are the union that includes all support staff personnel of the English Montreal School Board and the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal. The APPA is affiliated with the CSN and is a member of the FEESP (Fédération des employées et employés des services publics).
The APPA averages more than 8000 members annually. Our members are employed in over 300 places of work over a territory of 30 square kilometres.

Services Offered to Members
- Employer Labour Relations
- Remuneration (Salary)
- Movement of Personnel (Staffing)
- Security of Employment (Tenure)
- Harassment Complaints
- CNESST and Sick Leaves
- Negotiation of the Collective Agreement
- Health & Safety Committee
- Group Insurance
- Training and Professional Improvement (PIC)

APPA Member Activities
- Bi-Annual Convention
- APPA Ensemble Newsletter
- Social Events (Family Day, National Support Staff Day)
APPA Member Committees
The Structure of the APPA
General Assembly
Approximately 1800 union members from the EMSB and 6000 members from the CSSDM.
Workplace Delegates
Elected by colleague members in their workplace.
Union Council
Consists of 17 members jointly from CSSDM and EMSB which are elected by general assembly.
Executive Committee
Consists of 9 members jointly from CSSDM (7) and EMSB (2) which are elected by general assembly.
Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN)
The APPA is an affiliate of the Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN). The CSN is comprised of 300,000 workers spread over 1,700 unions, working in 4,394 work places. There are nine federations at the CSN, ours, at the APPA, being the FEESP (Fédération des Employés et Employées des Services Public); in English the Federation of Public Service Employees. Each union affiliated with the CSN holds its own accreditation certificate and is master of its own syndical life.
At the CSN, syndical life in each region is joined together around the Central Council (Conseil Central). There are 13 Central Councils throughout Quebec. The Central Council units all the CSN unions within its territory.
Our Central Council is Metropolitan Montreal.
Fédération des Employés et Employées des Services Publics (FEESP-CSN)
The FEESP-CSN was founded in 1947 under the name “Fédération des employés municipaux”, the FEESP is comprised of 389 affiliated unions representing 49,817 members working in the public/para-public service.
Secteur soutien scolaire (School Support Sector)
The School Support Sector (Secteur soutien scolaire)
The Federation (FEESP) is divided into 7 sectors. The School Support Sector (which is the sector we belong to) has as its main mandate to negotiate our collective agreements. It represents over 35,000 members spread through 36 school boards.
What is the Union Council?
The EMSB Union Council represents the English Montreal School Board. It is made up of 6 individuals coming from various support staff job classifications at the school board.
The CSSDM Union Council represents those employees at the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal. It is made up of 10 individuals coming from various support staff job classifications at the service centre.
Union Council Meetings
A joint Union Council meeting brings together the Executive Committee and members of both (CSSDM & EMSB) union councils.
The main role of the Union Council is to oversee to the proper management of the Union.