Status of Women Committee


We sincerely believe that it is essential to fight individually and collectively to improve the rights and conditions of women. We must continue our fight to preserve what we have gained over the years and improve the future of women in future generations.

Family-work-study balance, access to non-traditional professions, the economic situation and violence and harassment against women are just a few examples of the subjects that are part of our concerns.

Equality between men and women is essential as well as helping to change the economic, social and familial situation of women.

Unity is strength and together we will succeed.


Chantal Gignac
Lucie Audette
Danièle Dunberry
Jorge Ramirez Henriquez
Delia Pagliarulo




2023-2024 Dare to Give Registration Form

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Date added: 30-10-2023

List of Resources and Support for Women

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Date added: 30-06-2022