Our Mission

The Association professionnelle du personnel administratif (APPA) has as its mission to defend and develop the professional, economic and social well-being of its members both individually and collectively.

Our Credo

The APPA shall have no political affiliations or partisan goals but may take a stand on any proposal or decision of a political, economic or social nature which could affect all or part of its membership or have an effect on workers in general.

The APPA proposes to reach its objectives through its efforts to improve the working conditions of its members. This is to be accomplished by way of the democratic process, which implies consultation with its members concerning decisions that affect them, as well as through involvement in union issues related to justice, pay equity, respect and a decent living wage for all workers.

Union Profile

The APPA represents support staff employees from the English Montreal School Board and the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal, for the following categories of employment: Administrative (Technical, Paratechnical and Secretarial), Special Education, Daycare Services and Student Supervisors.