FEESP Info-Equity Newsletter – Sep 2021

The posting of the results of the 2020 maintaining of salary equity was originally planned to take place on December 20, 2020. As specified in the last Info-maintien salary equity (June 2021), we had advised you that, as allowed by the Law on salary equity, the Treasury Board asked the Commissions des normes, de l’equité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) and received, an extension until June 30, 2021.

We are taking the opportunity of the back to school period to postpone the evaluation of the Para public sector program until December 31st 2021, at the latest.

We want to reaffirm that this new postponement in no way delays the payout of adjustments and that the deadlines for various appeals/grievances will be, therefore, adjusted.

What is maintaining salary equity ?

In accordance with the Law on salary equity (LÉS), every five years, the Treasury Board must conduct an evaluation of maintaining salary equity for the Para public sector program, which covers the health and social services sector, as well as the education sector. This periodic evaluation is aimed at ensuring that employment categories, predominantly held by women, always receive equal pay & equal value as those predominantly held by men. Over time, many changes have been made in a workplace, which are liable to affect jobs and lead to salary discrimination. Therefore, we must evaluate if such changes are significant enough to change the evaluation of a category of employment or even its salary.

Here are a few examples of open-ended events to look out for during the maintenance process:

  • Creation, abolishment or merge of an employment category;
  • Modification to the tasks, responsibilities or qualifications required to perform a job;
  • Change in the working conditions;
  • Particular salary paid to certain employees or changes to the salary of certain employment categories.

Info-Equity FEESP September 2021

Info-maintien FEESP septembre 2021