National Occupational Health & Safety Week

It’s under the theme Stand up. Act, that the National Occupational Health and Safety Week of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) takes place from October 17 to 23, 2021.

Occupational health and safety (OHS) has always been an integral part of our union actions. Since its founding in 1921, the CSN has fought for working conditions that respect the physical and psychological integrity of workers.

The history of our trade union movement remains marked by many struggles. Among these struggles, one of the most striking remains without a doubt the strike by the miners of Thetford Mines and Asbestos in 1949. Historically, the negotiation of collective agreements has enabled us to make progress in several areas of health. and occupational safety. More than ever, we must continue our struggles to demand better working conditions and to act in prevention.

The CSN has always been proactive in improving the working and living conditions of workers. With the indispensable support of unions, central councils and federations, it continues to vigorously defend occupational health and safety.

Being in a recent context where the laws on health and safety at work have just been modified, we consider it necessary to prepare ourselves to face this wave of changes. For example, the new bill provides that the application of prevention mechanisms must be negotiated in each workplace; this shows how essential it will be to adapt our actions in occupational health to this new legislative reality. It will also be essential to deploy our collective action and put forward our demands in terms of occupational health and safety.

Visit to learn more about the role of the CSN in maintaining health and safety standards at our workplaces.