Common Front | Workers Will Strike on November 6

November 6 is the date on which 420,000 Front commun workers will go out on strike for the first time, for a period of one day. There is no doubt that the government is directly responsible for this first day of strike action.

Press Coverage – Socioeconomic Survey Results

In August we launched a survey to all our members asking them about their personal economic situation.  We recieved over 7100 responses. The results were shocking.  On Sunday, October 1st the School Sector held a press conference discussing our findings and the ongoing strike vote assemblies.

2023 Common Front Rally | Photo Gallery

It was a fantastic day for the largest rally in history for the Common Front.  One hundred thousand demonstrators from all over Quebec met at Jean-Mance Park on Saturday.  Making their way to the Quartier des Spectacles in a parade over 2 kilometres long!

Common Front | Public Opinion is on Our Side!

The Front commun has released the findings of a survey on Quebecers’ perception of public-sector contract talks. The survey was carried out by SOM from July 26 to July 31, 2023, and reached 1,089 respondents.