Le piquetage, « qu’ossa » donne?

En s’inspirant de l’expression consacrée par l’humoriste Yvon Deschamps, nous avons interrogé des acteurs du milieu syndical et politique à propos du rôle et de l’influence véritables de ce moyen de pression.

Common Front | Announces seven upcoming strike days

The Front commun is announcing a new series of seven strike days from December 8 to 14 inclusively. By holding this final series of strike days before calling an unlimited general strike, the unions hope to achieve a settlement before the holidays.

Press Coverage | Nov 6 Common Front Strike

On Monday November 6th all 420,000 public sector workers in the Common Front completed their first day in a sequence of strike days leading up to a general unlimited strike. Unsurprisingly we were all over the media! Here is some of the news coverage.

Common Front | Strike Action – Day 1

All across Québec, thousands of us were speaking up loud and clear. Our banners were high, our trumpets and voices could be heard from afar, and honking horns told us that people supported us.

School Sector #10 | Discussions are at a stalemate

For weeks now, management has paralysed all discussions at the sectoral negotiating table. However, in spite of this fact, we will be on strike on November 6th as a warning shot to the Quebec government, who is choosing to continually disrespect its employees.

Common Front | Government makes an insulting offer – again

Front commun representatives were extremely disappointed, though not terribly surprised, when they learned the contents of the offer tabled this morning by the Treasury Board. This offer is seen as an affront. Once again, the government simply doesn’t understand the problems experienced in public services or the urgency of saving a ship that is about to sink.